A selection of references on both topics- Volunteering & Migration
- Volunteering
Anheier , H K. (2005), Nonprofit organizations- Theory, management, policy, London: Routledge
Airasian P.W., Gullickson A.R. (1997) Teachers self-evaluation toolkit. Corwin Press, SAGE Publ.: Thousand Oaks
Barret T., Moore S. (2001) New Approaches to Problem-based Learning. Revitalising your Practice in Higher Education, Routledge: New York, London
Borek A. Lipka-Szostak K. (red.) (2009), STOProcent jakości, Szkolenia w sektorze pozarządowym Stowarzyszenie Trenerów Organizacji Pozarządowych STOP
Breaux, A., Whitekare, T. (2006) Seven Simple Secrets. What the Best Teachers Know and Do. Eye on Education: Larchmont
CEDEFOP (2002), Glossaire de mots liés à l’apprentissage et l’évaluation, Thessaloniki: CEDEFOP
Cedefop (2009), European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning, Office for Official Publications of the European Union, Luxembourg: European Commission
Davis Smith J., Ellis A., Howlett S., O’Brien Ja. (2004), « Volunteering for all ? Exploring the link between volunteering and social exclusion”, London: Institute for Volunteering Research,
European Commission (2000), Charter of Fundamental Rights, Nice :Presidents of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission at the European Council meeting
European Commission (2006), Key competences for lifelong learning, Brussels: European Commission, Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council,
European Commission (2011a), Communication on EU Policies and volunteering: Recognising and Promoting Cross-border Voluntary activities in the EU, Brussels: European Commission, [COM(2011) 568 final].
European Commission (2013), European Year of Citizenship,
GHK (2010), Study on Volunteering in the European Union, Brussels: European Commission, DC EAC.
Gödri Irén: Nemek közötti eltérések a külföldi állampolgárok munkaerő-piaci helyzetében Magyarországon (Gender differences in the labour market situation of foreign nationals in Hungary - TÁRKI, 2011 Report on the situation of men and women 2011)
Halba B, Romijn B, & Slot P , 2017, The role of professionals in promoting diversity
and inclusiveness”, Utrecht: University of Utrecht.
Halba B., 2016 – Combining VET and integrated language learning to enhance professional opportunities for migrant public the vintage perspective. - XIème Conférence EAPRIL, Porto: Université de Porto (Portugal)
Halba B., 2015, - Enhancing the Diversity approach among migrant learners & tutors to struggle against discrimination in the labour market in Europe - Xème Conférence EAPRIL, Luxembourg: Université de Luxembourg
Halba, B. (2014 ), From altruism to otherness, Traditiones- Ljubljana: Institute of Slovenian Ethnology SRS SASA, (Slovenia), 2/2014, pp 67 à 83.
Halba, B. (2011b) : Valuing volunteering : a major issue for the European Year of Volunteering , Communication for the Final conference of the VALUE project, Liverpool: University of Liverpool:
Halba, B. (2011), "Intercultural mediation, a "New Deal" for local policymaking of Interculture, bridging local, national and European levels", IMISCOE, Warsaw: University of Warsaw
Halba, B. (2006), Gestion du bénévolat et du volontariat, Bruxelles : De Boeck
Hattie, John A. (2008). Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement. Routledge: Abingdon
Hmelo-Silver C.ER. Problem-Based Learning: What and How Do Students Learn? „Educational Psychology Review”, vol. 16, no. 3 pp. 235-266
Kolb D.A., (1984) Experiential Learning, Prentice Hall, New Jersey
Lipsey, M.W., Wilson, D.B. (1993) The efficacy of psychological, educational, and behavioral treatment. American Psychologist, 48(12), 1181-1209
OECD (2010) Educational Research and Innovation. The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Paris
Savin-Baden M., Howell Major C. (2004) Foundations of Problem-based Learning. Open University Press: London
Schröer, R. (2004)« Voluntary service : opening doors to the future – The integration of Young People from Disavantaged Backgrounds in Transnational Voluntary service », Brussels : Association of Voluntary Service organisations (AVSO)
Slavin, R.E. (2010). Co-operative learning. What makes group-work work? In: Dumont, H., Istance, D., Benavides F., (eds.) The Nature of Learning: Using research to Inspire Practice, OECD.
Taylor J.L., R. Walford, Simulation in the Classroom, Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1972
Tusting, K., Barton, D (2003). Models of adult learning: a literature review. NRDC Publication: London
Várhalmi Zoltán: A magyar nyelvtudás integrációs vonatkozásai (In: Bevándorlás és integráció – magyarországi adatok, európai indikátorok/Immigration and integration - Hungarian data, European indicators
Veale J., Mporley R., Erickson C. (2002) Practical Evaluation for Collaborative Services. Corwin Press, SAGE Publ.: Thousand Oaks
- Migration
Agence pour le développement des relations interculturelles (ADRI), 2002, Guide pratique de l’intégration , Paris: La Documentation française
Belorgey (Jean- Michel), 1999, Lutter contre les discriminations, Paris: La Documentation française.
Cohen-Emerique (Margalit) & Fayman (Sonia), 2005, Médiateurs interculturels, passerelles d’identités, Revue Connexion n°83, Ramonville: Edition Eres
Cour des Comptes, 2006, L’accueil des immigrants et d’intégration des populations issues de l’immigration , Paris: La Documentation française
Daum (Christophe), 2000, Typologie des organisations de solidarité internationale issues de l’immigration , Paris: GREM
Halba B, Romijn B, & Slot P , 2017, The role of professionals in promoting diversity
and inclusiveness”, Utrecht: University of Utrecht.
Halba B., 2016 – Combining VET and integrated language learning to enhance professional opportunities for migrant public the vintage perspective. - XIème Conférence EAPRIL, Porto: Université de Porto (Portugal)
Halba B., 2015, - Enhancing the Diversity approach among migrant learners & tutors to struggle against discrimination in the labour market in Europe - Xème Conférence EAPRIL, Luxembourg: Université de Luxembourg
Haut Conseil à l’intégration, 2003, Le contrat et l’intégration, Paris: La Documentation française
Héran (François), 2005, Immigration, marché du travail, intégration, Paris: Commissariat général du plan & Documentation française
Caille (Jean-Paul), 2009, Portrait social, Paris: INSEE
Insee, 2005, Les immigrés en France, Paris: INSEE
Institut Panos, 2005, Europe des migrations/Europe de développement, Paris: Editions Karthala
Peignard (Emmanuel), 2001, L’immigration en France, Paris: La Documentation française
Wihtol de Wenden (Catherine), 2013, La Question migratoire au XXIe siècle : migrants, réfugiés et relations internationales, Paris: Presses de Sciences-Po
Wihtol de Wenden (Catherine), 2009, La Globalisation humaine, Paris: PUF
Wihtol de Wenden (Catherine) & Leveau (R), 2007, La bourgeoisie. Les trois âges de la vie associative issue de l'immigration, Paris: CNRS